How To Prepare For Tutoring Sessions
How To Prepare For Tutoring Sessions
Many students rely on tutors to help improve their grades and scores on tests, but you should always consider yourself prepared for the session. If you are not ready to learn, your tutor cannot begin helping you. When you hire a Long Island tutor you should follow the following steps in order to have a better outcome. Here are ways on how to prepare for tutoring sessions.
Here are four goals for students to achieve before they meet with a tutor:
Know what you need help with
Be specific about what skills or topics require extra attention. This can be anything from reading more complex content or studying harder for exams.
Review any work that was completed in class
Have all materials needed readily available to start working as soon as possible. Don’t waste time digging through binders to find required readings or workout sheets from the previous night’s assignment.
Review unit notes and class materials
Have a look at any material that has been provided by the teacher or that you have prepared beforehand. Make sure it is relevant to the topic of discussion and that everything is up-to-date.
Review the tutor’s policy on missed sessions
If your session was cancelled, check to see if you can reschedule it for another time. However, don’t stress too much about this last one. Tutoring is meant to be supplemental and shouldn’t interfere with other responsibilities you may have. Just be sure not to miss more tutoring sessions than necessary.
Prepare questions
A good tutoring session will be based on asking questions. Have a list of five or so questions to ask the student. This is an opportunity to have you teach them something new. For example if they are being taught about a subject and you know they have difficulty with this topic then leading with a question allows amazing learning opportunities that might not happen otherwise.
You are preparing for your first tutoring session, whether it’s with a student new to the class or one you’ve had before. It’s important how you prepare and in what order.